Investigations of potential misconduct can be taxing for any organization. But for organizations operating in multiple countries, the variability...
MoreThe Long Arm of E-Verify Monitoring and Compliance
The latest and greatest E-Verify enhancements for FY2015, include enhanced “data analytics” which enable DHS to closely monitor and...
MoreFailure to Disclose “Shy Bladder Syndrome” to Employer Defeats ADA Claims Over Firing for Refusal to Drug Test
A retail employee in line for a store general manager’s position lost not only the promotion, but his job, as well, when he failed or...
MoreGrowing Number of Workers Abusing Stimulants to Stay Competitive
A growing number of workers in a wide variety of professions are abusing stimulants in an effort to stay competitive, experts tell The New York...
MoreMedical Marijuana Extracts Approved in Georgia
Georgia became the 36th state, plus Washington, D.C., to legalize marijuana extracts to treat illnesses. Gov. Nathan Deal signed the...
MoreFelons Barred From Constructing Apple’s Campus
Apple is known for being secretive and picky about who works on its popular devices, but now, union officials say, that thinking also applies to...
MoreNew York City Will Ban Employers From Viewing Credit History of Prospective Workers
The City Council is expected to pass a bill that will make it illegal for employers to check job-seekers’ credit history. In addition to...
MoreLawsuit Claims Background Check Error Ruined Reputation
A Minnesota mother blames a background check mistake for ruining her reputation. The company that did Wosmek’s background check for the...
MoreCalifornia District Court Holds that LinkedIn’s “Reference Searches” Function Not a Consumer Report Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
A judge recently handed down an important decision regarding the application of the FCRA to one of LinkedIn’s search products. The decision...
MoreVirginia Limits Employer Access to Social Media Accounts of Employees and Applicants
Effective July 1, 2015, employers in Virginia will be prohibited from requiring, requesting, or causing a current or prospective employee to...
MoreNew Illinois Laws in 2015: What Employers Should Know
Joining the current “Ban the Box” trend, the Job Opportunities for Qualified Applicants Act prohibits Illinois employers from asking...
MoreMajor FERPA Overhaul Under Consideration in U.S. House
A proposed overhaul of the country’s primary law protecting student-data privacy is being circulated for feedback, offering yet another sign...