Liars Index® Shows Almost One in Four Resumes Falsified Education – Lyin’ King Chosen

Liars Index® Shows Almost One in Four Resumes Falsified Education – Lyin’ King Chosen

Liars Index® Shows Almost One in Four Resumes Falsified Education – Lyin’ King Chosen

The Liars Index® reached its third highest rate since its inception in 1995, reaching 24.39% for the second half of 2014. “Nearly one in four resumes puffing their education claims is a rate too high to ignore”, said Jude Werra, CMC, president of the Wisconsin based executive search and selection firm, Jude M. Werra & Associates, LLC.

This year’s Lyin’ King (the most notable case in 2014) reported a career in the financial services industry, his resume asserting strong ethical principles and (ironically) a background in compliance. Unfortunately, his education claim did not hold up to scrutiny, calling into question the rest of his resume’s assertions.

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©2015 Jude M. Werra & Associates LLC​; Reprinted with permission.

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