U.S. Law to Create ID Card for Veterans

U.S. Law to Create ID Card for Veterans

U.S. Law to Create ID Card for Veterans

Congress has approved the creation of a veterans’ identification card, making it easier for veterans to prove military service without having to produce a military service record or some other valuable document. “This bill is a prime example of what we can accomplish when we put partisanship aside and the needs of the country first,” said bill sponsor Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla. Both House votes and the Senate vote were unanimous. The bill now heads to the White House, where President Barack Obama is expected to sign it. However, a top VA official, Rajiv Jain, said that veterans in most U.S. states can get veteran status noted on their drivers’ licenses and that such options “can meet the intent of the legislation without creating within VA a new program that may not be cost-efficient.”

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