“Ban the Box”: Good for People with Disabilities

“Ban the Box”: Good for People with Disabilities

“Ban the Box”: Good for People with Disabilities

President Obama took an historic step by directing the Office of Personnel Management to take action to ban the box in federal employment. As a result, OPM will modify its rules to delay inquiries into criminal history until later in the hiring process. Encouraging employers to make this shift is critical. An estimated 70 million Americans have a criminal record. Employment is a stabilizing factor in anyone’s life, providing a sense of structure and responsibility, and it’s strongly correlated with reduced recidivism for those reintegrating into the community following incarceration. Because employers often hesitate to hire an ex-offender, not having to check that box can make a massive difference. Given that many individuals with criminal records also have mental health disorders, banning the box has an important ancillary effect: it can also be a key strategy in helping to raise the employment rate – and thus economic self-sufficiency – of people with disabilities.

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